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智慧與愛兼備的性感女星──Scarlett Johansson 力促國會通過校園健康餐法案

Scarlett Johansson Urges Congress to Pass Healthy School Meals Act

        華盛頓訊─史嘉蕾・喬韓森(Scarlett Johansson)在《海綿寶寶》的演出,讓孩子們超愛,而爸爸媽媽們,則是對她在《美人心機》裡的演出印象深刻。無論大人、小孩都要為這位既是演員又是歌手,才華出眾的女子鼓掌喝采,她最近力促美國國會通過法案,希望在學校的午餐裡增加更多以蔬果為主的健康飲食。
WASHINGTON—Kids adore her in (海綿寶寶)The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie.Parents love her in movies like(美人心機)The Other Boleyn Girl and Lost inTranslation.

And now, kids and parents alike are applauding actress and singerScarlett Johansson’s recent request to Congress to add more fruits,vegetables, and healthy meal options to school lunchrooms.

喬韓森寫一封信給國會,力促政府支持2010年編號H.R. 4870的〈健康校園飲食法案〉(the Healthy School Meal Act),該法案由科羅拉多洲眾議員Jared Polis所提出,倡議獎勵額外提供以蔬果為主的素食與無奶餐飲之校區。
Johansson has written a letter to Congress urging support for theHealthy School Meals Act of 2010, H.R. 4870, which was introduced onMarch 18 by Rep. Jared Polis of Colorado. The bill would reward schooldistricts for offering plant-based vegetarian options and healthfulnondairy beverages.

"I've been involved with efforts to feed hungry children for years,"Johansson writes. "Millions of families in America rely on subsidizedschool lunches, and these meals are absolutely crucial to children'swell-being."

這封刊載於《美國新聞與世界報導》(U.S. News & World Report)與《政治》兩本雜誌上請願信,是美國醫師醫藥責任協會(PCRM, Physicians Committee for ResponsibleMedicine,PCRM)所發起之改革校園飲食運動的措施之一,活動的宗旨在要求國會透過〈聯邦兒童營養法〉的再授權,提供各級學校學生蔬食、低脂飲食,該法案旨在議訂影響全美3千萬孩童營養的學園早、午餐的內含。
The letter—covered by U.S. News & World Report and Politico—is partof PCRM's campaign to ask Congress to provide students low-fatplant-based meals through the reauthorization of the federal ChildNutrition Act, which helps shape the school breakfasts and lunchesserved to 30 million children.

The Healthy School Meals Act would reward school districts withadditional food aid if they offer most students plant-based vegetarianfood choices every day. The bill, which has already drawn support fromRep. John Conyers and 30 other co-sponsors, would create a pilotprogram to provide select schools with high-fiber, low-fat vegetarianprotein products and nondairy milk options.

素食校園午餐的概念,也獲得美國醫藥學會、美國公共健康協會的大力支持,一些名人,像全球熱愛的蜘蛛人托比・麥奎爾(Tobey Maguire)和棒球明星約翰・沙利(John Salley)也全力擁護,為他們的孩子雀躍不已。
Vegetarian school lunch options are also supported by the AmericanMedical Association, the American Public Health Association, andcelebrity parents such as Tobey Maguire and basketball star John Salley.


(PCRM, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, PCRM)
創立於1985年,為一非營利健康組織,旨在倡議預防醫學(preventive medicine)、
Founded in 1985, the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine is anonprofit health organization that promotes preventive medicine,conducts clinical research,and encourages higher standards for ethicsand effectiveness in research.




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